Hannah Jones


BFA Graphic Design

Currently in my art practice I am exploring design for good, specifically how I can use my skills to help people. I want to make things with a purpose. I love experimenting with different types of media and ideas that are visually compelling yet simple. Working with my hands and using tactile materials to create my work is something I enjoy doing. This way of making helps me better connect to a project. I am learning to find a balance between digital and hands on media, and ways to combine the two together.

I am inspired by my professors and my fellow artist I have grown along side at Webster University. Their encouragement and support have shaped me into the person I am today. When I see others working hard it makes me want to do my best too. I hope to never stop learning new things, it is my absolute favorite thing to do.

I hope to bring people closer together with my work and build a more understanding, openminded world in the process. To me, art and design are amazing tools of communication. They can change people’s thoughts, actions, and how they view the people and places around them. I want to continue forming my own views on the world by exploring as many new places and ideas as I can.

Website: hannahjonesportfolio.com

Instagram: @wildmagic98